
As a service-based business owner, telling people what you do isn’t something you can skip. You have to shine a bright light so potential clients can see you’re ready to help.

But when the competing lights are a bit blinding, how do you ensure yours shines steady and resonates with readers?

Allow me to introduce an essential element of strategic communication – compelling messaging.

It’s literally a game-changer that can shift your business to new heights and help you reach even more people.

Simply put… your messaging strategy plays a HUGE role in moving people from curious to connected to client by:

Connecting Emotionally:

Compelling messaging goes far beyond just conveying information; it speaks to your audience’s hearts and creates a real connection.

Your messaging should address your ideal client’s pain points, desires, and aspirations. Focusing solely on the pain can be a deterrent. Helping the reader feel what it’d be like to work with you is the sweet spot.

Q: What does your ideal client want? Why do they want it? What will change when they get it?

Building Trust and Credibility:

In business, trust is everything. Your audience wants to know that they can trust you to deliver on your promises and provide value. But just like in personal relationships, it can and will take time. This is why being consistent online and in inboxes is critical.

Strategic and compelling messaging can introduce you, your service, and the outcomes you produce. Storytelling, testimonials, tips, behind-the-scenes photos, and videos can serve as constant reminders.

Q: Does your audience trust that you can get the job done?

Simplifying Decision-Making:

Imagine being in the shoes of your potential clients. They’re bombarded with messages from countless businesses every day. The varied messaging can be overwhelming and confusing, leaving them stuck in a holding pattern.

Your messaging should make it easy for readers to understand who you are and what you offer. And your call-to-action should be simple. Whether you want them to book a discovery call, register for a webinar, or download your freebie, the path should be well-lit and free from any obstacles or distractions

Q: Do your readers know how to get help from you?

Eight Seconds

That’s how long you have to command people’s attention before they’re on to someone else.

These days, when attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, compelling messaging will set your business apart and help you speak to the hearts of the people who need you most.

When you connect emotionally with your audience, build trust and credibility, and make decision-making easier, you prompt action.

Don’t underestimate the power of great messaging – it could be the difference between fading into the background and taking center stage. 

And most importantly, your clients get to benefit from your hard work, commitment, and dedication…

When you use it correctly. 

Need help creating and executing compelling messaging to grow your business?

Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me today to explore how customizing a strategy to your goals and audience can work wonders. 

Let’s expand your reach and impact together.

Talk soon!

Hi! I’m Nikki R. Jones, a very funny communications strategist with over 18 years of experience in nonprofit, government, and small business.

Service-based providers call on me for strategic communications partnerships, speechwriting & delivery coaching, copywriting, and workshops.

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