I Quit My Job!
I got my first job when I was 14 years old, which means I’ve been working for more than two decades. Yikes.
Once, I went to a two-hour training to learn to sell knives door-to-door. I mastered cutting pennies like a boss, but I never actually started that job because…. Get real.
I realized that I needed a break from adulting, so I resigned my position as spokesperson for a New York state government office and set my sails for Morocco, which is where I’ll be until the end of July.
I believe that we each have the ability to prompt the change we need to live our fullest life. We don’t have to wait for circumstances to happen to us. Cue Mary Mary’s “Go get it.”
Why Morocco?
I’ve always wanted to go abroad, be immersed in the local culture and get my do good on. Do-gooding can include bringing food to the hungry, building homes, healing the sick, and other stuff that people post pictures of themselves doing so everyone can see that they do good.
I connected with a friend’s sister who directs a community center in El Jadida, Morocco. We agreed on terms for me to lend my skills to the organization and I bought a plane ticket. Yep, just like that, I started ballin’ on an unemployed budget.
Have I ever been to Morocco? Nope. If it were okay to be honest on my own blog I might say that a few months ago I would’ve needed Google to find the country on a map.
Have I ever been across the Atlantic Ocean? Nope.
Do I speak Arabic or French? More nopes.
Am I excited? Y-u-p!
Preparing for the trip
I looked up who the king of Morocco is because if I run into him on the street I want to be all, “Heeeeey, King Mohammed!” I also listened to some Arabic lessons, watched some YouTube videos and read some blog posts written by people who had spent time in Morocco (some means two).
Then I delved deep into finding out what food options are going to be available on the plane and on the ground. Yep, I have my priorities in complete order. Don’t judge me. Hungry Nikki is far worse than any of the helpless victims in the Snickers commercials.
I also sat down with my Moroccan peeps to chat about the fabulousness of their country.
Here’s a picture of me with my mom, Abdul and his wife, Aicha.
Yep, sometimes adulting looks like bringing your mama with you to fill up on delicious Moroccan tea and desserts find out important information.
When Aicha showed me pictures of herself back home in short-sleeved shirts, I was so happy because hot Nikki is like hungry Nikki on steroids.
How am I feeling?
I’m beyond excited about this new opportunity to contribute, as well as the impact this experience will have on my life. Picture excitement. Now squint your eyes a little to see past it. Do you see me? I’m right there sitting on a very comfy cloud of possibility.
P.S. The next time I post I’ll be on Moroccan soil. My flight leaves JFK at 8:30 p.m. on April 28 and lands in Casablanca, Morocco at 8:20 a.m. on April 29. The flight is seven hours and Morocco is five hours ahead of New York.